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What are the high-temperature resistance characteristics of rubber sponge materials reflected in?

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What are the high-temperature resistance characteristics of rubber sponge materials reflected in?

Release Date:2024-01-20 Click:2692

Rubber sponge materials, with their superior properties, are increasingly being approached by businesses, especially in terms of compression resistance, heat resistance, and so on. The special components contained in high-temperature resistant rubber can provide good performance in the power industry and also play an important role and trend. Low phenyl silicone rubber not only has unique cold resistance and low cost, but also is one of the lowest low-temperature performance, widely used in the aerospace industry today.

According to the different content of benzene, it can be divided into medium phenyl silicone rubber, high phenyl silicone rubber, and low phenyl silicone rubber. Due to the increase in phenyl content, the rigidity of high phenyl silicone rubber gradually increases, and its low-temperature resistance gradually decreases. However, to a certain extent, it improves the flame resistance and radiation resistance of the vulcanized rubber. And medium phenyl silicone rubber has good flame resistance and can automatically extinguish after ignition.


This high-temperature resistant silicone rubber is one of the important materials for cutting-edge technology, national economy, and aerospace industry. It can be made into various molded and extruded products for use as cold resistant rubber in the aviation industry. It can also be used for sealing rings, gaskets, pipes, and bars in radiation resistant parts, or in areas such as erosion resistance and heat aging resistance.

So it's natural for people to come into contact with such products, and we also believe that rubber products will continue to progress and gradually enter thousands of households, making contributions to more industries.

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